"Where a single Sri Shaligrama resides, that is Vaikuntha on Earth. And where there is holy Vaikuntha, you will always find God." - Yogi Shyamasundara
In 2018, Yogi Shyamasundara founded Sri Krishna Shaligrama Temple, a holy temple of God, and the first Sri Shaligrama temple in the United States. Nestled high in the mountains of the San Bernardino forest, housing hundreds of rare holy Sri Shaligramas, this precious temple is an embodiment of Yogi Shyamasundara's love for God, the world, and all beings.
Yogi Shyamasundara's temple also houses an extensive library of Vedic and eastern scriptures, healing books, and the teachings of holy masters from various traditions, available to the public to read and study. The social room at the entrance offers a large river stone fireplace, comfortable sofas, beautiful treetop views of the forest, and a large 60" TV with a library of dharmic videos available to watch. The outside property has benches and tables to enjoy the quiet serenity of the forest in solitude with God. There are also tables on the four decks and a fire pit to enjoy the company of other spiritual seekers. Our kitchen dining area is available for snacks and to partake of holy prasad (food cooked for and offered to Lord Sri Krishna). Only a 7 minute walk from our temple is Lake Gregory, a beautiful place to commune with God, meditate, do japa, and practice mindful walking in nature.
Please note that this a private temple of holy quiet solitude. All visitors are required to remain in meditative silence and inner communion with God inside the temple and on the forest grounds. Peaceful community socializing is permitted (within quiet noise levels) in the social room, the top deck with the fire pit outside the social room, and on the deck at the entrance of the temple. Absolute silence is required on the deck outside the main temple chapel, inside the chapel, the library, and the rest of the temple grounds.
We welcome you with deep love. May your visit deeply connect you with God within.
Hari Om Tat Sat
"The mountains known as the Himalayas are situated on the banks of the river Gandaki. In the south of these Himalayan mountains, a big and beautiful tract of land is situated where one can find Sri Shaligramas. This is the place where Sri Devi Dwaravati begins. This place is called by those who know, Sri Mukti Kshetra.
Shaligramas found here are very precious and significant. These Shaligramas are Lord Sri Vishnu Himself. The person who worships or even keeps one in the house, or bathes the Shaligrama and drinks the bathed holy water, or pours the water on their head, becomes free from all of their karma and untimely death. That being becomes free from all karmic sins and material diseases.
That being who bathes the Sri Shaligrama with chakra everyday, gets rid of all karmic sins like Bramahatya, and if he drinks such water daily, he gets a boon equal to thousands of Lord Sri Vishnu fire offerings.
That person who worships Sri Shaligrama with Tulsi leafs daily, gets the boons of a million yajnas (ritualistic fire offerings to God).
Even if a Shaligrama is damaged or broken, all Shaligramas are worthy of worship.
There are various types in size and shape of Shaligramas in which Lord Sri Vishnu is situated representing all of His different incarnations.
Good fortune increases and one gets satisfaction from children, and in every way, in every aspect, all good enters one's life by worshiping black Shaligramas with little chakras.
Anyone who gets the opportunity to see a Vasudeva Shaligrama, becomes free from all karmic sins.
Anyone who offers a Tulsi leaf while worshiping Sri Shaligrama, gets salvation (liberation and enlightenment) and can abide in Vaikuntha eternally.
Therefore always worship Shaligrama, and chant Shaligrama stotra which is very beneficial to humanity. We can get a higher position in Vaikuntha simply by doing so. All karmic sins will be destroyed and one is guaranteed to be born in Vaikuntha simply from this process of worshiping Shaligrama.
There are various descriptions for Lord Sri Vishnu's ten primary incarnations. Therefore by worshiping the Lord's incarnation as Sri Shaligrama, praying to the Shaligrama, and drinking the Lord's holy bathing water, washes away the karmic sins of millions of lifetimes and one gets great prosperity, wealth, and reputation through this. Everyone, everywhere, should worship Sri Shaligrama." - Lord Sri Krishna
"Sri Shaligramas should never be bought or sold; they must be presented by a Guru, or gifted by an ascetic freely, and received with deep reverence. A Shaligrama will not bring auspiciousness if it is got by fraud or by force. Worshiping an illicitly obtained Shaligrama will be in vain.
When a dying person is given a sip of water in which the Shaligrama is bathed, he will be freed from all karmas and will reach the heavenly abode of Lord Vishnu.
Merely looking at a Shaligrama washes away the karma of the beholder, even as a mere sight of a lion would make the antelopes run for their lives in the forest.
Whoever glances at a Shaligrama is purified of his past demerits. What would then be the benefit of one who is mindful of it, who praises it, meditates on it, and prostrates before it?!
Whether one has real devotion or not, if he worships a Shaligrama and prostrates before it, he will surely get emancipated from the cycle of material existence (samsara).
The person who offers daily service to the Shaligrama will be freed from fear of death, and he will cross over the stream of births and deaths (reincarnation).
In the Shaligrama abide the three realms, and all the immovable and moveable aspects of creation. As such, Lord Vishnu resides in the Shaligrama.
One who with delight in his mind worships a Shaligrama in front of him, will instantly obtain the merit of performing a million sacrifices.
When pious men worship a Shaligrama, the area of a yojana (about 8 miles) all around that spot, becomes as holy as all the sacred places of pilgrimage put together.
Even the worst criminal who has committed countless sins (karmas) will instantaneously get purified by sipping water in which a Shaligrama was bathed.
The devotee who worships Shaligrama must be of good conduct, free from arrogance and infatuation, and averse to temptations of sex and wealth; he must worship with mindfulness and consideration.
Even as fire lies latent in wood, and bursts out when ignited, Lord Vishnu pervades the Sri Shaligrama and appears when the stone is worshiped.
A Shaligrama continues to be worthy of worship even when it is broken. Split or cracked, it does not lose it's divine auspicious nature. Only the mark of the discus (chakra) must be present. A Shaligrama damaged in any way does not become unfit for worship, it is always holy and worthy; nothing can be a deterrent for its worship.
We have it as an assurance from Lord Sri Vishnu Himself, that whoever worships a Shaligrama even once, will surely be liberated and will also obtain prosperity (on all levels) here while alive.
Gifts given and rituals observed in the presence of Sri Shaligramas will be infinitely meritorious, for where a Sri Shaligrama resides, that place is sacred for miles around.
It is rare that one procures a Shaligrama. The possession of a Sri Shaligrama speaks volumes of the merit of the person, he should consider himself as extremely fortunate, and worship the Shaligrama diligently.
One who worships a Shaligrama will be treated as Maha Vishnu.
One is assured moksha (liberation and enlightenment) by worshiping a Shaligrama with bhakti (devotion), without bhakti, or even accidentally.
Sri Vaikuntha, Sri Lakshmi, and Sri Bhagavan Hari are completely present in the Shaligrama.
One who worships 12 Shaligramas together will get the blessings equivalent to worshiping 120 million Shiva lingams for 48 billion years, all in one day.
One who worships a Shaligrama by reciting the Vishnu Sahasranama will attain Vishnu's lotus feet.
If an insect lands on a Shaligrama, it will attain moksha.
There is no equivalence to a Shaligrama in this Earth, or in Heaven." - Shaligrama Mahima
"A commercial transaction of Sri Shaligramas is sinful (karmic) for all those involved (both seller and buyer). Maha Lakshmi (Divine Mother) can leave such individuals for many lifetimes, creating poverty in their lives." - Amma Sri Karunamayi
"Shiva tells Skanda that all the three world in their entirety and He Himself abide in a Shaligrama. A mere glance at it is meritorious, and much more so worshiping it.
Anyone who has seen a Shaligrama, paid obeisances to Him, bathed and worshiped Him, achieves the results of performing ten million sacrifices.
The worship of Shaligrama is the best form of worship, better than the worship of the sun." - Skanda Purana
Shaligramas represent the everlasting presence and power of Lord Vishnu." - Vishnu Purana
"Those who worship Shaligrama will not be born again.
The place where Shaligramas are worshiped in considered more sacred than Kashi Kshetra.
Worshiping Shaligrama, sipping Shaligrama theertham (holy water) is equivalent to performing a million yajnas." - Padma Purana
"The Lord resides in many places in which he may be worshiped, but of all the places Shaligrama is the best." - Garuda Purana
"Merely by touching a Shaligrama, one becomes free from the karmas of millions of births, so what to say about of worshiping Him! Through Shaligrama puja, one gains the association of Lord Hari." - Gautamiya Tantra
Hari Om Tat Sat