Yogi Shyamasundara established Shakti Hands™ as Krishna Marga's umbrella of humanitarian services and projects that include feeding the homeless, providing assistance for the poor, elderly, LGBTQ+ communities, abused children, at-risk youth, homeless/abused animals, and promoting the holy yogic science of God and Self-Realization where such teachings are rare, initiating souls into holy healing processes in impoverished areas where medicine is limited, and providing other types of welfare projects as needed.
Join us in this precious opportunity to serve our fellow soul brothers and sisters in need of our help. This is a meaningful way to put our spiritual practice into action and abide in the ego-eradicating compassionate practice of Narayana Seva (selfless service to the poor), while bringing much needed love and support to souls who need our help. Your hands-on volunteer service is always greatly needed and deeply appreciated!
"O noble soul, open your divine sight and regard and honor all beings as Myself. Wise is he who looks with an equal eye upon all beings, seeing the one indwelling God in the hearts of all. He who meditates on My divine nature as present in every person becomes free from rivalry, jealousy, hatred, and the consciousness of ego." - Lord Sri Krishna
"To serve all beings selflessly and with genuine love is to serve God." - Yogi Shyamasundara
Hari Om Tat Sat