The supreme Being, Lord Nārāyaṇa, willed to create beings.
From Nārāyaṇa emerged the life force (prāṇa).
From Nārāyaṇa emerged the mind and all the senses.
From Nārāyaṇa emerged the ether (space) element, the air element, the fire element, the water element, and the earth element, which became the fundamental elements of the universe.
From Nārāyaṇa emerged Brahma (the creator).
From Nārāyaṇa emerged Rudra (the annihilator).
From Nārāyaṇa emerged Indra (the king of gods).
From Nārāyaṇa emerged the Prajapatis.
From Nārāyaṇa emerged the twelve Adityas, eight Vasus, eleven Rudras, and the Vedas.
All beings emerged from Lord Nārāyaṇa.
Nārāyaṇa sustains all beings.
All beings merge back into Nārāyaṇa.
Nārāyaṇa is Eternal.
Brahmā is Nārāyaṇa.
Śiva is Nārāyaṇa.
Indra is Nārāyaṇa.
Heaven and Earth are Nārāyaṇa.
Time itself is Nārāyaṇa.
All directions are Nārāyaṇa.
The upper realms are Nārāyaṇa.
The lower realms are Nārāyaṇa.
The inner and outer realms are Nārāyaṇa.
Everything is the manifestation of Nārāyaṇa.
The past and future are Nārāyaṇa.
Nārāyaṇa is pure, immaculate, immutable, ever-blissful, and transcendentally non-dual.
Nārāyaṇa is the Supreme Self, the One without a second.
This is declared by the Yajur Veda.
Nārāyaṇa (Viṣṇu) is all-pervading and alone exists.
The primordial sound ‘Om’ is uttered first, then ‘Namo’, then ‘Nārāyaṇāya’, while meditating on Lord Nārāyaṇa.
'Om’ is one syllable.
‘Namo’ is two syllables.
‘Nārāyaṇāya’ is five syllables.
Together these form the sacred Ashtakshara (eight-syllable) mantra:
"Oṁ Namo Nārāyaṇāya".
This most sacred eight-syllable mantra is the king of all mantras.
Those who chant this mantra with faith and devotion will attain good health and a long life.
They will attain the state of Prajapati with inexhaustible inner and outer wealth.
They will attain the immortal state of Lord Nārāyaṇa.
This is declared by the Sama Veda.
The Pranava (Om) is the supreme blissful essence of Brahma.
It is made up of the three sounds: 'A', 'U', 'M',
Pranava supports the life force in all beings.
Chanting this (Om), yogis have attained liberation from the bonds of reincarnation.
Those who chant the mantra 'Oṁ Namo Nārāyaṇāya' attain Vaikuntha, the supreme transcendental realm of Lord Nārāyaṇa.
The lotus seat of Lord Nārāyaṇa is in the heart.
The knowledge of Nārāyaṇa is the purest and highest wisdom that shines like lightening.
Śrī Kṛṣṇa (Nārāyaṇa), the son of Devakī, vanquisher of Madhu, is none other than the Supreme Reality (Brahman).
He alone resides in all beings.
He is the Supreme Brahman, the causeless and the cause of everything.
This is what the Atharva Veda reveals.
Those who chant this in the morning are purified of karmic sins committed the previous night.
Chanting this at dusk purifies the karmic sins committed during the day.
Chanting this at noon, towards the sun, purifies the five types of karmic sins.
Those who study and meditate on this Upanishad attain the merit of studying all the Vedas.
They attain oneness with Lord Nārāyaṇa, union with Lord Nārāyaṇa.
This is declared by the Vedas and revealed in this Upanishad.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (peace).
Jai Śrī Kṛṣṇa! Oṁ Namo Nārāyaṇāya