"God cannot be understood, but can only be experienced. My mission is to awaken souls to the direct experience of God within. I am here to prove to you the existence of God and the holiness of your Existence." - Yogi Shyamasundara
What is Yoga?
Yogi Shyamasundara teaches us, "Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning "to unite", "to be in holy union with God". It is a sublime blissful state of Divine Consciousness where the soul and God are inseparably one. Yoga is our original holy nature that we have forgotten as a result of countless samaric rebirths, over countless lifetimes, since time immemorial.
Yoga is also an ancient systematic holy science of self-realization that removes the illusion of the person that we think we are, and gives rise to the Truth of all existence. While the term yoga has been widely propagated in the West as a set of exercises for the body, that perspective is a shallow understanding of true yoga. Those yagasanas (postures) revealed by the holy sages of India, were given to humanity as a way to prepare the body for meditation on God, and keep the body healthy to serve God and humanity. It was never a method to increase bodily vanity as it is used today.
True yoga is the holy science that reveals the Divine Self to us, that reveals the holiness that we are at the source of our Being. It is a journey away from the inner chatter of the mind, into the all-pervading silence within. A journey from painful delusions to the Wisdom Light of seeing, from the innumerable sufferings of 'I', 'me', and 'mine', to the liberation of all mistaken appearances. A journey of divine peace, from the myriad of painful emotions. A journey from the suffering of the temporary person which we believe to be permanently self-existing, to the unfoldment of the blissful experience that God is the only reality. Contrary to popular belief, this holy journey of yoga is not a journey to become one with God, but to realize instead through direct experience, that God is the only Being, playing countless of roles in countless bodies throughout the whole universe.
Yoga is the path, the way, and the destination. It is not something falsely imposed upon us, but rather the removing of everything that we're not, until there is nothing else that can be removed. Once there is nothing left to remove, the only thing left is the Absolute Truth.
What is this Absolute Truth? That can only be experienced.
How to experience this Absolute Truth? That is Moksha Marga.
Moksha is the liberation from everything we're not, the experience of the Divine Self, the Holy Consciousness within everyone, the goal and final destination of all souls that is God. Marga is the yogic path, the process, the way to our Divine Self. So Moksha Marga is the yogic path to Holy Consciousness and also the yogic path of Holy Consciousness that liberates us from everything we're not and delivers us to what we've always been and shall be forever.
The end result of this holy yogic path is Self-Realization, God, That can only be experienced. Once you experience this directly, you will never be the same."
Yogi Shyamasundara also explains, "The direct experience of your Divine Self is worth more than all the scriptures in the world put together. Rather than filling your heads with more spiritual knowledge, fill your heart with the direct experience of God. Rather than spending countless hours reading cookbooks, get to the cooking so that you can finally satisfy your hunger! Scriptural knowledge is extremely meaningful, but only when it leads to the direct experience of the Divine Self within you. Yoga, metaphorically speaking, is the cooking itself. The result of your 'yoga cooking' is the most delicious nectar of God that finally fulfills our hearts and satisfies the immense hunger (longing) to return back to this blissful ocean of Divine Consciousness.
So surrender your life and above everything else, surrender yourself to your Divine Self. Trust that your Divine Self is guiding your life at each moment. Learn to follow the Divine Self without delay. Abandon all refuge in the material realm which only leads to more suffering and the gnawing feeling of unfulfillment that is constantly tugging at your hearts. You must understand, and you will see for yourselves if you study your life closely, that nothing in this world can ever fulfill you because the only thing that can fulfill your being is to return back to the Source of everything. Everything here in this world is ephemeral and a poor substitution for the Blissful Eternal One, the Divine Self within all beings, the eternal fountain of all fulfillment. So abandon the cycle of rebirth that has imprisoned you since time immemorial with the chains of your material desires that you think will fulfill you, but only bound you to this material realm. The only solution to your existential suffering is to take refuge only in your holiness and nothing else. Then you will find that most exquisite, most sublime, most holy experience of liberation that every soul is longing for, but has been looking for in all of the wrong places. After all, whether you realize it or not, God is what you've been longing for since time immemorial.
Come back home sweet precious souls of Divine Consciousness. The experience of God is not for the chosen few, not just for the holy sages, but available to everyone who seeks sincerely, humbly, and with deep love. Believe me when I say, God wants you to experience Him too! He is so close, closer than these two fingers touching each other...that's why you're missing Him. All that you need is the ancient holy yogic technology that removes the veil that hides His omnipresent nature in you and in all existence. I will show you the way of the Yogi, the beautiful and scientific yogic path back to God, to your original nature. Once you experience God completely, you will discover your Divine Self. Hari Om Tat Sat."
For this reason, Yogi Shyamasundara founded Moksha Marga™ in 2008, so that sincere seekers can experience God directly through Self-Realization. Moksha Marga™ is a holy mission in the tradition of the ancient yogis.
Souls of all backgrounds, races, genders, religious affiliations and non-affiliations, sexual orientations and gender identifications, socioeconomic backgrounds, and nationalities, every soul who sincerely seeks God and Self-Realization, are all warmly welcomed at Moksha Marga. Come love, learn, meditate, worship, celebrate, live, and experience God within you through Self-Realization!
Hari Om Tat Sat